Mustache source here

Freemarker source here

Sample applications showing how to build a dropwizard service returning html views using the mustache and [freemarker]( templating languages.

These are simple dropwizard implementations for returning HTML. It's based on the Dropwizard example here. Using SBT instead of Maven as I keep hearing bad things about using Maven for complex builds and want to build up my SBT knowledge.

A couple of points noted during development:

  • To use views you need to add a dependency to "dropwizard-views" in addition to "dropwizard-core"
  • does not support inheritance, but does do partials, which makes it a little clumsy for full page HTML templating with common header/footer elements
  • Freemarker supports nesting templates and macros which allow inheritance and complex layouts
  • Testing of views looks easy, as does testing resources constructing them


To compile:

./sbt assembly

To run:

java -jar target/scala-2.10/dropwizard-mustache-assembly-0.1.jar server config.yml